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SEO Toolkit PRO OTO Upgrade Review - 60 Tools Upgrade for Unlimited Sites

SEO Toolkit PRO OTO Review - Get more 60 SEO tool in one software, upgrade your SEO Toolkit to SEO Toolkit Pro OTO. And get this amazing 60 SEO tools.

[caption id="attachment_427" align="aligncenter" width="623"]SEO Toolkit Pro Upgrade Review SEO Toolkit Pro Upgrade Review[/caption]

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 1

  • Article Spinner & Rewriter

  • Spins a text article & rewrites it - works in 7 languages.

  • Get unique content for your site quickly.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 2

  • Plagiarism Checker

  • Check the uniqueness of an article.

  • Make sure your content is unique to get better ranking.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 3

  • Backlink Maker

  • Creates backlinks to your site automatically, plus pinger.

  • Get backlinks in high PR pages with just one click.

  • SEO TOOL #4

  • Meta Tag Generator

  • Generate Google-friendly meta tags.

  • Improve your onsite SEO adding proper metatags for Google and other SE.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 5

  • Meta Tags Analyzer

  • Analyze the Meta Tags for any webpage.

  • Find out what keywords your competitors are targeting + improve your onsite SEO.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 6

  • Keyword Position Checker

  • Find out in which position a website ranks in Google & Yahoo

  • for multiple keywords. Get info about your rankings and your competitors for multiple keywords.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 7

  • XML Sitemap Generator

  • Generate an XML sitemap for your website.

  • Improve your SEO ranking by creating a sitemap and submitting it to multiple SEs.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 8

  • Backlink Checker

  • Find the number of backlinks to a website.

  • Find out how many backlinks your website has (or your competitors).

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 9

  • Alexa Rank Checker

  • Find out the Alexa Rank Checker of a website.

  • Get info about the popularity of a website.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 10

  • Online Ping Website Tool

  • Ping your website from 60+ websites.

  • Improve your SEO by notifying SEs of new pages in your website.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 11

  • Link Analyzer

  • Get information about all links in your website.

  • Get the info you need to improve onpage SEO for your website.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 12

  • Keyword Density Checker

  • Find out how many times each keyword appears on a website

  • Find out what keywords your competitors are targeting + improve your onsite SEO.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 13

  • Google Malware Checker

  • Find out if your website has been hacked.

  • Keep your site safe.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 14

  • Dmoz Listing Checker

  • Find out if a domain is listed in the Dmoz Directory.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 15

  • URL Rewriting Tool

  • Creates an .htaccess file with your URL rewriting

  • Improve your permalink structure.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 16

  • Redirect Checker

  • Find out if your website has www / non www redirection.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 17

  • MozRank Checker

  • Find out MozRank, Page Authority and Domain Authority for any domain. Get useful SEO information.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 18

  • Server Status Checker

  • Find out the status of your server (online/offline).

  • Make sure your website is online.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 19

  • Webpage Screen Resolution Simulator

  • Find out how your website looks at several screen resolutions

  • Make sure your website looks good on mobile devices to offer a better user experience.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 20

  • Reverse IP Domain Checker

  • Find other domains hosted in the same server.

  • Spy on your competitors.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 21

  • Blacklist Lookup

  • Find out if your domain/ip has been blacklisted.

  • Make sure your website is not blacklisted/penalized.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 22

  • AVG Antivirus Checker

  • Check out the antivirus status of your website.

  • Make sure your website is not blacklisted/penalized.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 23

  • Link Price Calculator

  • Find out how much a link from a specific domain might be worth. Find info about the best websites to get backlinks from.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 24

  • Domain Hosting Checker

  • Find out which hosting company a website is using.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 25

  • Google Index Checker

  • Find out how many pages Google has indexed for a specific domain. Get useful information for your SEO from Google.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 26

  • Website Links Count Checker

  • Get the total of internal+external links in your website.

  • Get the info you need to improve website onpage SEO.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 27

  • Page Speed Checker

  • Get page load time for the whole site + individual elements.

  • Find out information about what is slowing down your site and improve page load speed.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 28

  • Find DNS Records

  • Get DNS information for a domain.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 29

  • Email Privacy

  • Extract contact e-mail from a domain.

  • Get the contact info (email) for any website.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 30

  • Google Cache Checker

  • Check the latest date for the Google cache for a domain.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 31

  • Broken Link Finder

  • Find broken links in your website.

  • Fix your internal linking for better onpage SEO.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 32

  • Search Engine Spider Simulator

  • Browse a website like a Search Engine.

  • Get useful information for onpage SEO.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 33

  • Keyword Suggestion Tool

  • Get related keywords from a seed keyword.

  • Get related keywords to target in your SEO efforts.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 34

  • Domain Authority Checker

  • Get the authority for up to 20 domains at a time.

  • Get useful SEO information.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 35

  • Page Authority Checker

  • Get the authority for up to 20 pages at a time.

  • Get useful SEO information.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 36

  • Pagespeed Insights Checker

  • Get the Google Pagespeed for a website.

  • Find out information about what is slowing down your site and improve page load speed.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 37

  • Robots Txt Generator

  • Generate your own robots.txt with very few clicks.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 38

  • Simple Word Counter

  • Enter a text and get the word count.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 39

  • Your IP Address

  • Get your IP address + geolocation.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 40

  • Domain Into IP

  • Get the IP + hosting location for a specific domain.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 41

  • URL Encoder/Decoder

  • URL encode/decode a text - lets you secure URLs quickly.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 42

  • Page Size Checker

  • Get the size in (bytes and kb) of any website. Fast loading sites rank higher you know.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 43

  • Get Source Code of Webpage

  • Get the source code of a website in just 1-click.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 44

  • Class C IP Checker

  • Get the class C IP for a website, great to figure out all its backlink sources if you want.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 45

  • Online MD5 Generator

  • Enter a text and get the MD5 Encoding.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 46

  • Code To Text Ratio Checker

  • Get the % of html code vs text on a website.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 47

  • What Is My Browser

  • Find out what browser you are using.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 48

  • Social Stats Checker

  • Get social info like: likes, shares, tweets, etc. for a url.

  • Get Valuable Social info.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 49

  • Webpage Optimizer Tools

  • CSS Minifier, JS Minifier, HTML Compressor, Website Image Optimizer. Speed up your website.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 50

  • Mobile Friendly Test

  • Find out how mobile friendly your site is.

  • Improve usability for mobile devices.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 51

  • Bulk Domain Availability Checker

  • Find out availability for domains in bulk.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 52

  • Adsense Calculator

  • Find out how much you can earn in Adsense.

  • Optimize your Adsense earnings.

SEO Toolkit Pro OTO Upgrade Feature 53

  • Website Reviewer

  • Gives a full 20 page SEO report for a website.

  • Get all the info you need to optimize your website for better SEO rankings and look deeper into everything.

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