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WP Freshstart 5.0 OTO Review

WP Freshstart 5 OTO Review - WP Freshstart 5 is wordpress plugn will help you to stop doing "boring " Wordpress setup process, you only need to spending seconds and even couple click of mouse (instead of HOURS) for setting up your wordpress sites.Just couple of click you will get completely set up wordpress sites and SEO optimized sites you can get 50 times faster than your competitors. Bellow is the review of OTO upgrade option of WP Freshstart 5.0, if you want to know the wp freshstart 5 front-end product you can read full review here

WP Freshstart 5 PRO - Unlimited Sites License (Price $37) Click Here For More Details

PRO Content Features :

  • Automatically make money using JVZoo, Clickbank, Amazon & Ebay.

  • Use Facebook comments instead of normal WP comments

  • Lazy load images & make your site load faster

  • Automatically optimize images on upload to save space

  • Add your site watermark to your images (brand your images)Add 600+ Google Fonts to your site, use them anywhere

  • Auto Upload images to IMGUR Cloud, save space & increase speed

WP Freshstart 5 PRO Security Features :

  • Block spam automatically (stops spammers from leaving comments on your site)

  • Limit number of user logins per hour (prevent brute force attacks)

  • Hide Wordpress (rename plugins, theme, wp-content, wp-uploads, wp-includes paths)

  • Safeguard Wordpress - Change login url from wp-login.php to anything you want

  • One Click DATABASE backup for your entire WP site

WP Freshstart 5 PRO SEO Features :

  • Redirect 404 Not Found Errors to Home Page

  • Improve Local Business SEO: add Local business metadata according to

  • Add google translate button to 1-Click translate your site to another language

  • Show related posts after each post automatically for better crosslinking & traffic.

  • Load Site Faster & rank higher using GZIP in your site code for faster loading

WP Freshstart 5 PRO Branding Features For Your Site :

  • Change admin header (logo)

  • Change admin footer (Remove references to wp)

  • Rename and disable admin menus for users etc.

  • Admin dashboard : add custom title/text, hide dashboard widgets

  • Admin bar settings : Hide admin bar, Customize logo etc.

  • Customize login page (background color, background image, logo image, logo url, form text, button colors etc)

WP Freshstart 5 PRO Social Features : Add social sharing buttons to your content

  • Add social metadata for facebook/twitterAutomatically share posts to Facebook and Twitter for auto social media traffic.

  • Add hover pin button for images for Pinterest traffic.

  • Other Special PRO Features : Minimize js/css code automatically for all pages Show scroll to top button for better navigationUse Google cdn libraries for popular JS files

  • One-Click to clean/optimize WP database for better security & speed.

WP Freshstart 5 PRO - Unlimited Sites License (Price $37) Click Here For More Details

WP Freshstart 5 PRO Bonuses

WP Freshstart 5 bonus

WP Freshstart 5 bonus

WP Freshstart 5 Developers - Unlimited Clients & Sites License (Price $39)

With WP Freshstart 5 Developers OTO, you will learn how to make $500-$1000 Easily Using WP Freshstart 5.0, you will be able also install wp freshstart 5 on your unlimited client sites. Your clients will be impressed when you show WP Freshstart 5 create SEO optimized, faster, and GDPR ready wordpress sites with only seconds. With this developer license you will be able to charge $47 to $97 for things that this plugin can do in 10 seconds.

With Developer License You Can Also:

  • Get the DEVELOPERS LICENSE to WP Freshstart 5.0

  • Use this Plugin on UNLIMITED client sites

  • Charge any amount to your clients for this plugins

  • Use this plugin on SITES you want to sell and then FLIP SITES with the plugin installed. Get paid more!

  • DEVELOPERS LICENSE to Simple Site BOOSTER (if you already purchased the Booster, this will upgrade your license to Developer!

  • DEVELOPERS LICENSE to Freshstart 5.0 PRO VERSION (if you already purchased the PRO Version Personal

  • License, this will upgrade your license to Developer!

Click here for more detail about WP Freshstart 5 Developer License

WP Freshstart 5 Developers Bonuses

wp freshstart 5 developer bonuses

wp freshstart 5 developer bonuses

WP Freshstart 5 - Unlimited Resellers License (Price $67)

With this reseller OTO upgrade you can sell wp freshstart 5 and make money immidiatelly. Which means you will keep 100% of the price of this plugin when you refer buyer.

You will aso get:

  • All Our Marketing Pages

  • Our Amazing High Converting Videos

  • Our super effective Sales Copy to make all your sales.

Not only that, all WP Freshstart 5 team will take care of all customer support so you don't have to do anything, just collect your 100% profit and find a way to spend it. This is amazing for you if you do not have a product you sell online and with over 15,000 customers loving WP Freshstart 5.

Click here for more detail about WP Freshstart 5 - Unlimited Resellers License 

WP Freshstart 5 - Unlimited Resellers License Bonuses

wp freshstart 5 reseller license

wp freshstart 5 reseller license

wp freshstart 5 reseller license


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