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News Builder Review FE and OTO Review - By Gee Sanghera et al

News Builder Review - Introduction

As internet marketer we really want make passive income online right? Like me more than 3 years affiliate marketer also really want to do that. I'm tried so much method and strategies but it doesn't work for me. I tink one of great idea to make a passive income online is, we must have auto update website, so we don't need to hire content writer or write a high quality content by our self. But most of AGC (Auto Generate Content Plugin) is really bad on SERP (Search Engine Results Position). I've experience with many AGC plugins, we need to find other solution.

I think the other way is create the news sites, as we know news site is a big business in internet for example the biggest news sites online are like CNN, BBC, Huffington Post and many more (include local news site) make lot of money in Internet. Why? Because visitor arround the world are really want to know the latest updates on hot news like politics, sports, entertainment and much more. But, how can we create passive income business with news sites?

news builder review

News Builder Review - What is NewsBuilder?

We can imagine this product based on the name, "News Builder". This is brand new software (Wordpress Plugin) plus the Wordpress theme that will allows you to create self-updating news sites without any tech skills required. You will get full of relevant content on any topic that you can choose right in your Wordpress Dashboard. And that make me amazed is this wordpress plugin develop in over 12 month, fully tested and approved by demanding marketers.

Product Name:NewsBuilder
Vendor Name:Gee Sanghera and Ben Carroll
Product Type:Wordpress Plugin and Wordpress Theme
Launch Date and Time :2018-Oct-31 at 10:00 EDT
Front-End Price:$27
Customer Support:Yes
Skill Required:No Skill Required
Refund Status30 Day Money Back Guarantee

About The Creator of News Builder - Gee Sanghera and Ben Carroll

Gee Sanghera and Ben Carroll is top vendor on JVZoo, they always launch great and helpful software on the marketplace. Gee Sanghera and Ben Carroll niches is about traffic generation software, one of their great product is Traffic Builder 2.0. Their other great product is: EasyStores Pro Builder, InstaEngage 2.0, Curation Suite and many more.

Now Gee Sanghera and Ben Carroll  at Oct 31th, they launch brand new Wordpress Plugin and Theme to help people make passive income with their software called NewsBuilder. For more details, below is the complete feature and benefit of News Builder

News Builder Review - The Feature

Like I said before, this is brand new concept of creating passive income sites. You will get WordPress plugin and high quality Wordpress Theme plus you will get TrafficBuilder software. If you're totally beginer, don't worry because you will also get Step-by-step video training that will show you how to create set and forget monetized sites and drive unlimited traffic. Below is the complete feature review of News Builder:

Automated, Self-Updating Viral Websites

With NewsBuilder you will get The plugin and also theme that will allows you to create authority news sites in any niche, without any tech skills or even content creation. The product also packed with full articles from 138 top news sites to build and grow your viral sites.

Supports RSS feeds for even more fresh content

News Builder will updates automatically new articles from source between every 5 minutes up to every 24 hours.

NewsBuilder is Proven Passive Income Solution

Like i said before this product tested and develop more than 12 month. You can use NewsBuilder sites to make money online on any way like AdSense, Amazon Ads, Affiliate CPA Links, Banner Ads and more, or you can also make money online by selling your own products. You can replace article keyword with affiliate links with in-article-links feature

Traffic Builder Built-In

NewsBuilder also integrated with SpinRewriter so you can spin any article into completely unique and SEO friendly, to generate more free traffic on search engine like Google.

News Builder Review - My Experience Use This Product

This product come with 2 part, part one is the NewsBuilder Wordpress Plugin, and part 2 is NewsBuilder Wordpress Theme. This is so easy to use, all you need to do is simple 3 steps:  Step 1 Install News Builder plugin and theme, Step 2 Customize setting for monetization, content source, autoreponder integration, and autoupdates setting, and Step 3 is run the traffic builder software to drive free traffic to your new sites. Below is the screenshot of the NewsBuider

Dashboard Overview

news builder review

Add New Article Menu

Here you can select article source, from CBC News, CNN, DailyMail, ESPN, and so much more. You can also setting the max post and the post status become, published or draft.

news builder review

Article Published

As you can see, below is the article publish automatically and self updating post. You can select any news category to post.

news builder review

Add Post Setting

This is my favorite part, you can setting your posts, the source language, replace any keyword, and even spin the content.

news builder review

More Setting on Add Post (Post Restrictions)

With this settings you can set how many words you will publish, you can also ban any word you want, any many more powerful feature.

news builder review

So many great feature to create self-updating news site and generate monthly passive income with News Builder. For more details you can check the official site by clicking the links below

buy now

And What is My Opinion For This Product?

I think if you really want to create auto updating news site, complete with autoresponder integration, Traffic Builder integration, and also spin content feature, this product is highly recommended. This product also integrated with Google Translate, so you can create local content of news sites. And you will get full step-by-step video training, how to run this software and also how to make money online using NewsBuilder.

News Builder OTO Upsell

For more benefit and unlock more feature, you can also get the News Builder OTO version below:

News Builder FE - $27

  • You will get Wordpress Plugin and Wordpress THeme

  • You can access to 138 top news site sources plus RSS support

  • Includes list-building feature with optin forms that integrated to major autoresponder

  • Includes TrafficBuilder software that you can use to drive 100% free targeted traffic

  • You will get autoupdate sites and you can setting the frequency from every 5 minutes to every 24 hours

  • Content spinner integration

  • Google Translate integration

  • Step-by-step video training on how to get started AND maximize profits

  • 5 or 30 site license for Front-End

  • >> Click here for more details

News Builder OTO 1 -  $37

News Builder OTO 2 - News Builder Pro $37

  • Get 300 additional premium news sources

  • Get advanced theme for custom sites in any category

  • All-In-One ‘Authority Site’ functionality

  • Being able to duplicate the profitability of aggregate news sites

  • Built In monetization widgets

  • >> Click here for more details about News Builder OTO 2

News Builder OTO 3 - $57

  • Get 20 completely DFY viral news sites

  • The fastest way to make passive income, instantly launch up to 20 viral traffic sites

  • Fully customizable, so you can monetize with your own links

  • 20 stunning sites set-up ready to profit for a single low price

  • >> Click here for more details about News Builder OTO 3 

News Builder Review - Conclusion

Thank you for read my News Builder review, and my opinion about this product is: This is brand new software and I think world first news builder software complete with spinner feature, autoresponder integration, fully customization, and this is wordpress based, which is easy to use and you will also get complete step-by-step video training.

If you want to start your own passive income site without any tech skills or without writing single content News Builder is perfect for you. I hope this review helpful, and you can make right desicion. For more details you can click button below:

News Builder Bonuses

If you buy News Builder today you will get exclusive bonuses below:

news builder bonuses

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