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Warning ! These 6 Habits Can Harm Your Kidneys, Here Are Tips To Avoid Them

 Warning ! These 6 Habits Can Harm Your Kidneys, Here Are Tips To Avoid Them

 Warning ! These 6 Habits Can Harm Your Kidneys, Here Are Tips To Avoid Them

  the kidneys are the organs responsible for work all day to filter the waste that flows through the blood flow it is estimated about 190 liters of blood a day and removes two liters of water and toxins he also plays a very important role and at the same time without a key to regulate blood pressure however, like other body their duties can be compromised because of the development certain diseases and  excessive accumulation of waste the  problem is that many people  do not know how to take care of it and have certain habits that affect  direct way their health the most  worrying is that these people  are gradually suffering from significant deterioration that ends by affecting their quality of life  for this reason we dedicate this  video also habit that affects the  kidney health  discover them all for consumption  insufficient for consumption  inadequate is one of the factors that  influence the appearance of problems  renal and urinary tract  this vital liquid is essential for a  optimum detoxification process that  with the kidneys takes care of eliminating the  toxins in the blood  dehydration can lead to the  formation of kidney stones and  at the same time develop the risk  of infection and problems  inflammatory board lift between 6 and  8 glasses of water a day  increase fruit consumption and  vegetable rich in water 2 consumption  excessive salt  although some think that  sodium accumulation in  the body is harmless  this can cause serious  imbalances for kidney health and  cardiovascular consume food  with rates that high is a  direct cause of the high pressure  arterial and fluid retention  its stalls this to malfunction  kidneys overloaded with sodium at least  ability to eliminate the excess of  minerals through their hymn board  replace the refined table cypher with  the salt of the himalaya or sailor avoid  consume more than 3 grams of salt per  day  half a teaspoon look for  alternatives to season your  wounds with other natural condiments  like spices  3 excessive consumption of drinks  alcoholic drinks if the main effects of  alcoholic beverages are felt  in health and practice the kidneys are  also affected by the toxins they  contain their usual consumption  and disproportionate can cause a  kidney failure and severe damage  in the fabrics moderate board or avoid  excessive consumption of drinks  alcoholic including red wine  4 the consumption of red meat well  that red meats contain  some nutrients beneficial to  the body  their consumption in large quantities  can lead to the appearance of  metabolic problems and rino the excess  of protein and graft increases the  extractor organs work and this  reduces their ability to eliminate  toxins  on the other hand they are foods with  high levels since rinne which a  once assimilated into the body are  turned into uric acid these  substances accumulate little by little  in tissues and can cause  chronic states like calculations  kidney and board drop eat  Maximum meat portions by  week  replace red meats not  others healthier like the chicken the  fish or turkey 5 hold back  to urinate one's urination is a  very dangerous habit which even though at  At the beginning there does not seem to be any effects  side effects can cause  inflammations and kidney problems  even if sometimes we can not go to  toilet immediately urinate  as soon as possible in order to avoid  disorders in the system retain urination  a long time and in the usual way  increases the pressure in the ducts  urinary tract and affect the kidneys and  bladder board go to the toilet  as soon as you feel like urinating  avoid excessive consumption of  liquid  when you do not have a toilet at  siph proximity abuse of analgesics  calm analgesic medication  a lot of common pain but  unfortunately we have some effects  secondary when taken from  exaggerated way their compounds  chemicals must be metabolized in  the body is very frequently  it causes kidney difficulties and  hepatic advice decrease to the maximum  drug consumption  painkillers replaced as soon as you  can this medicine by remedies  natural as infusions you  suffer from his habits  if that's the case tried to correct them  to prevent the problems of your kidneys

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